Comics by Terry Wiley

This page is a list of comics by our friend and collaborator Terry Wiley, who passed away in 2018. Terry has been part of our collaborative projects since the very early stages of what became Newcastle Science Comic, with comics in all three NSC titles. He was the comics artist-writer for two local history archives-based projects, a contributor to Freedom City Comics, and made our most recent annual report in comics form.

His skills as a comics creator, and support for doing stuff with comics, are greatly appreciated. He will be missed.

pp.28-29 of Asteroid Belter: The Newcastle Science Comic

pp.2-4 of Spineless: The Newcastle Science Comic

Newcastle Science Comic (comics in 3 anthologies: Science FACT-ion, Asteroid Belter, and Spineless)

True War Stories

True War Stories (comic, learning resources, and series of workshops with secondary school students, with the Thomas Baker Brown archive)

The Right To Learn

The Right To Learn (comic with the Workers’ Educational Association)

pp.3-5 of Freedom City Comics

Freedom City Comics (‘Freeborn Rights’ chapter, and draft artwork featured in the learning framework; also on display in BALTIC’s ‘Idea of North’ exhibition)

Annual report 2017

Applied Comics Etc annual report 2017