Learning framework: Freedom City Comics (2018)

Draft comics by Paul Peart Smith, Patrice Aggs, and Terry Wiley

This learning framework supports the use of Freedom City Comics by schools and other groups. All the activities are designed as springboards for your own projects, lessons, and activities. It’s completely up to you how to use this learning framework!

Read and download the full framework: https://research.ncl.ac.uk/fccomics/learningframework/
Download individual chapters of the framework: https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=6753649

This learning framework includes:

  • outlines of suggested activities
  • suggested links to National Curriculum KS2 and KS3, including ‘I Can…’ statements
  • printable resources including: storyboard templates, writing frames, archive materials, biographical factfiles
  • artists’ draft pages, to give young comics creators a look behind the scenes of how Freedom City Comics was made.

KS2 curriculum links include: Science, Art, Citizenship, History, Politics, Writing, Literacy, Reading, Maths, Geography, Drama, Careers, PSHE. Key Stage 2 learning framework developed by Mike Thompson and Lydia Wysocki.

KS3 curriculum links include: Media, Art, English, Modern Foreign Languages, History, Drama, PSHE, RE/Ethics, Geography, Maths. Key Stage 3 learning framework developed by Gary Bainbridge and Lydia Wysocki.

Freedom City Comics is our free comics anthology presenting snapshots of the history of civil rights and politics on Tyneside. It was created as part of Freedom City 2017.
Thanks to all our Freedom City Comics contributors:

  • Paul Peart-Smith, working with alumnus Paul Barry and researcher Brian Ward
  • Terry Wiley, working with researcher Rachel Hammersley
  • Patrice Aggs, working with researcher Brycchan Carey
  • Mack Chater and Ian Mayor, working with researcher Joan Allen
  • Sha Nazir, working with researcher Matt Perry
  • Ragavee Balendran, working with researcher Matt Perry
  • ‘Brick’, working with project lead Matthew Grenby
  • Managing editor is Britt Coxon; Editor in chief is Lydia Wysocki.

This learning framework and resources are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC). You can change this framework and share it with other people as long as you credit our project, but you can’t use it commercially. All artwork remains the copyright of the original artists.

Academic journal article based on this project: Wysocki L, Leat D. (2019) Collaborative comic as Boundary Object: the creation, reading, and uses of Freedom City Comics Cómic colaborativo como Objeto de Frontera: la creación, lectura y usos de Freedom City Comics. Tebeosfera, 3(10). https://www.tebeosfera.com/documentos/collaborative_comic_as_boundary_object_the_creation_reading_and_uses_of_freedom_city_comics.html