Comics is an artistic medium that combines words and pictures. This page is a very brief overview of the comics world to better show what Applied Comics Etc does.
The comics medium takes many forms. A comic book might be one story from cover to cover or it might include a series of shorter stories. There might not be any story at all. It might be a web comic, a poster, a series of trading cards, or a fire exit sign. It might be a comic strip in a newspaper, or it might be a single-panel political cartoon. It might be a do-it-yourself zine, or it might be a multi-bazillion dollar industry. It might or might not be funny.
We’ll show you a range of comics as examples as part of our work together. If you already have any favourite comics, tell us what they are to give us a sense of where you’re comic from. If you don’t, that’s fine too: we have plenty of examples to help you get up to speed.
Comics is? Or comics are?
A note on grammar: yeah, grammar’s complicated. Sometimes it’s comics is and other times it’s comics are. This isn’t a typing error. Grammatically, comics as a medium is an abstract noun and a comic is a concrete noun. It’s accurate to say that comics is a versatile and compelling medium, and equally accurate to say that comics are fun to make and read.
A note on comics grammar: yeah, comics has its own grammar. We’ll help you through it.